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"Tactical Warfare" Mod !! despues del NBG
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TEMA: "Tactical Warfare" Mod !! despues del NBG

Re: "Tactical Warfare" Mod !! despues del NBG 19 Ago 2009 23:17 #34463

Una cosa que teneis que hacer Samu, Caesar y Claerco es registraos cada uno en la Web, nada mas.
Samu tiene un resultado de batalla con Lib pendiente.
Asi que porfavor registraros.

Re: "Tactical Warfare" Mod !! despues del NBG 19 Ago 2009 23:18 #34464

Aqui esta en enlaze :


Re: "Tactical Warfare" Mod !! despues del NBG 20 Ago 2009 18:56 #34477

Joer me olvido de Juanjo !!

Juanjo tambien tienes que registrate en el CaW.

Re: "Tactical Warfare" Mod !! despues del NBG 22 Ago 2009 11:32 #34505

No se como funciona ni pa que es ese foro, pero como dije, si lo de registrarse es para llevar esa competividad continua, muchas gracias Frog pero no me interesa.
Soy encantan las galletas.

Re: "Tactical Warfare" Mod !! despues del NBG 22 Ago 2009 12:56 #34507

Bueno Caesar, entiendo totalmente tu punto, pero mas que todo es para los demas que te podrias registrar.
Me parece legitimo que no quieras competir, pero por participar en batallas donde atienden gente registrada en el CaW pues el resultado para ellos no contara si tu no estas registrado.
No es gran cosa, pero bueno, solo es un gesto hacia un grupo en los cuales hay algunos que les importan contabilizar derotas y vitorias.

El CaW, en resumen, es un Club donde se enuentran jugadores de la comunidad napoleonica, se intenta montar torneos, batallas historicas etc.. se mesclan gente que juega al NTW2, al vanilla ETW, al TacWar y proximamente al "Les Grognards" (que estara disponible finales de setiembre).

Oye Ruk !! a ver si te registras tambien !!

Los que tienen el TacWar puesto o probado son :
Soldu, Juanjo, Leo, Claerco, Samu, Caesar, Ruk.
Igual me olvido de alguien, pero espero que vendra mas gente porque nos lo pasamos pipas !
Ayer jugamos Juanjo y yo una batalla 2v2 majistral que duro mas de 2 horas sin aburrirnos ni un segundo. Yo acabe todo sudado, les damos una coreccion a 2 NBC de los buenos, estabamos atacando colinas y en sima yo deshaciendome de 2 cab pegadas en una casa debido a un bug del mapa.
Una locura de batalla.

Re: "Tactical Warfare" Mod !! despues del NBG 22 Ago 2009 13:02 #34508

Entiendo, pues cuando tenga tiempo(ahora toy en la biblio de la universidad), me paso por el foro y me registro.

Me estoy obligando a jugar a ese mod, pero no me cala...asi que igual acabo viciandome al Mount y dejo el Empire para otros momentos.
Soy encantan las galletas.

Re: "Tactical Warfare" Mod !! despues del NBG 22 Ago 2009 18:28 #34511

Ya me e registrado Frog. A ver si ahora encuentro tiempo pa darle al vicio.
Soy encantan las galletas.

Re: "Tactical Warfare" Mod !! despues del NBG 22 Ago 2009 19:21 #34513

No me gusta. Ni lo del registro ni todo el royo competitivo que hay montado, pero para ti, CeltiberoFrog, parece ser importante. Por ti lo he hecho hermano.

Re: "Tactical Warfare" Mod !! despues del NBG 22 Ago 2009 19:31 #34514

CeltiberoCaesarAug escribió:
Me estoy obligando a jugar a ese mod, pero no me cala...asi que igual acabo viciandome al Mount y dejo el Empire para otros momentos.

:rolf: :rolf: Me parece que cuando salga el multi del Mount and Blade lo vamos a dejar todos Caesar :acdc:


Re: "Tactical Warfare" Mod !! despues del NBG 22 Ago 2009 21:51 #34516

Gracias tios lo aprecio, es sobre todo para que haya interes por otros jugadores (como el Liberalis Grognards) de jugar contra vosotros y que reciba una buena palisa jejejeje es que el tio ese le falta umildad...

Re: "Tactical Warfare" Mod !! despues del NBG 22 Ago 2009 22:09 #34519

Por otra parte, hay tambien una clasificacion por Clanes, y de momento Los Celtis van primeros !

Re: "Tactical Warfare" Mod !! despues del NBG 23 Ago 2009 05:20 #34525

:rolf: Pues valla, menos mal que no a cuajado en profundidad jejeje
Hoy no e podido entrar porque taba (iva poner un icono de "tocado" o "ebrio" pero no hay en los principales) pero mañana estare o espero estar por ahi.
Tengo ganas de vermelas contigo, frog, que desde un par de partidas del comienzo no te veo compañero.
Soy encantan las galletas.

Re: "Tactical Warfare" Mod !! despues del NBG 23 Ago 2009 15:23 #34534

La clasificacion por clanes solo vale en caso de batallas entre clanes.

Ayer casi hemos recivido una palisa por los Grognards, bueno no es seguro que hubieran ganado pero habia Kett (el mejor de ellos) y otros 2 mas faciles, que nos han atacado masivamente por nuestra derecha, lanzaban todo lo que tenian (muchos) de granaderos, elites, cab pesada ! (Polacos, rusos y brit) escojieron las lineas de Ruk que participaba a su primera batalla multi. Yo centro estaba al lado de Ruk pero se veia que las lineas de Ruk iban a romper, preparaba una segunda linea con Juanjo que llegaba de apoyo por detras, pero la partida se peto jejejeje, menos mal.
Los Grognards siguen favorisando las cargas masivas como en el NTW, son peligrosos, usan el voice chat y de hecho coordonan muy bien sus movidas.

Estare esta noche a partir de las 2100 Caesar, si no se podra hostear otra hacia las 2230.

Re: "Tactical Warfare" Mod !! despues del NBG 28 Ago 2009 13:51 #34605

TacWar es esto :

Empire: Tactical Warfare A Guide to the Mod
Developed by Mooncabbage

This is a basic guide to outline the changes and improvements you can expect in the Tactical Warfare mod that apply to multiplayer games, along with a few tips on how to use your units so that they perform effectively on the more realistic platform.
In every possible case, ranges, movement and reload speeds, morale effects and historical use of units, has been scaled or altered in order to give a more realistic, historical feel to the way the battles develop and play out.
Also, many new skins have been added along with a variety of minor nations.

Some examples - (please see the unit panel on selection or ingame for full info)

- Ferguson Rifles, known to have only had a temporary appearance on the battlefield, are removed
- General units have been removed to allow for the use of an extra unit slot (they had little discernable effect anyway in Vanilla - elite units inspiring now nearby troops in the same manner)
- Some light infantry weapons have been removed from nations that never used them or had insufficient amounts of them to warrant a whole unit being armed similarly (eg. rifles for non field Jägers of Prussia and Windbusche arms for Austrians)
- Siege artillery
- Rockets for all nations
- Shrapnel, as it does not exist in this period

These units still exist in the Grand Campaign, for the most part, as high tech research units.


Movement speed, as far as possible, has been scaled to match the historical infantry march paces and cavalry gaits. Walking will not incur fatigue- running or melee will.
Cavalry charges especially may visually seem a little slow, (though it is still far faster than the actual scaled rate), but have the same impact effect and damage.
Weapon ranges are based on effective real-life ranges as reported by the tests of the era. Cannon ranges are based on direct fire and bounce-through effective ranges. Although cannon could almost double it's real-life range by fully elevating the barrel, this fire was reported as ineffectual and a waste of ammo. Reload speeds are a little faster than historically correct but is a compromise to gameplay - however, don't expect your rifles to be firing as fast as a MG42, or even a musket!


Unit prices have been reduced to an extent that allows a full 20 slot army with a few elite/ heavy units and artillery. To field a more elite or specialised army you will obviously end up with fewer, more expensive units.
Basic types of infantry armed according to national characteristics:
- Irregulars: generally skirmishing troops
- Militia: poorly trained or equipped but capable of basic close order drills
- Line: adequate training and equipment and trained to a good standard in close order drills
- Light: well trained and well equipped- competent in close and open order drills
- Heavy/Shock: very well trained in close order drills & melee specialists

Basic types of cavalry armed according to national characteristics:
- Irregular/Militia: poorly trained or poorly equipped- ideal for screening, harassment or pursuit
- Light line: well trained- ideal for screening, harassment, pursuit & the occasional well executed charge
- Lancers: shock class- ideal for the initial softening blow to a target. Need melee support
- Heavy line: shock class - ideal for coup de grace or decisive cavalry action- tight formation for greater impact
- Dragoons: firearmed mounted infantry- ideal for harrasment but not shock duty

Basic types of artillery:
- 12 pdr cannon: long range, high powered foot artillery- ideal as a base of fire
- 6 pdr horse artillery: fast, medium range & power- good for fast support action
- Howitzers- low power, medium range foot artillery- ideal for suppression and firing over obstacles


The deciding factor in all battles, morale will be your primary concern- maybe watching the enemy's morale status and penalties in order to perfectly time your coup de grace or cavalry charge or, keeping a keen eye on your own units' morale so you may withdraw fatigued or shaken men from the frontline to be replaced with fresh troops.

Many things effect morale ingame, compound morale penalties may rout a seemingly full strength unit, but a few very crucial penalties to watch out for in Tactical Warfare are:

- "Flanks Secure" bonus: Insecure and threatened flanks will seriously damage your troops' morale and may lead to an untimely rout if not addressed quickly.
- "Tired" or higher fatigue morale penalty: Fatigued troops will fight less effectively, move more slowly and, worst of all, rout more quickly if put under pressure.
- "Recent Casualties" penalty: If a high percentage of unit casualties are taken in a very short timeframe, this penalty will become active. Even a square, if caught unformed, may take many impact casualties and receive this penalty - possibly causing the square to deform.
- "Attacked in rear or flank/ Exposed flank" penalty: A serious problem especially when combined with other penalties.

*Also, any unit that has received 60% casualties will reach its shatter point and attempt to rout from the field. Real life units would become ineffective far earlier than this but, as we are limited to 20 units, this is a compromise to gameplay that works well...however, don't send a half strength cavalry unit charging into the face of musketry and necessarily expect it to arrive with any cohesion- a few hits will take it dangerously close to the shatter point.

**At first glance, cavalry morale stats may seem low, but this has been extensively tested to balance and make them behave more realistically- the cavalry may charge, win through and reform with few casualties with no negative effects, but, if it has taken damage or ends up in an exposed position, (compound morale penalties), may waver or rout to reform in safety. This represents the way cavalry would probe for weakness, and if none, wheel and reform out of danger. Having supporting reserves will aid the chance to rally quickly.


- Time your volleys to increase effect at various ranges- especially useful against charges
- Gain enfilade and fire obliquely through your target to increase hits
- Attack flanks to minimise casualties to your own men and cause panic in enemy
- Keep reserves and army depth to give more options for endgame
- Use the terrain effectively to minimise casualties and cover flanks
- Aim at ground with artillery when possible- it is generally more accurate than AI fire
- Use combined arms actions
- Time assaults and charges into melee based on enemy morale status
- Keep up your troops’ morale bonuses

Re: "Tactical Warfare" Mod !! despues del NBG 28 Ago 2009 15:28 #34606

Frog mira a ver si puedes ponerlo en chino, es que en ingles tengo la sensación que algunos no vamos a captar todos los matices del TacWar…

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