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He leido esto !! es Liberalis que lo a posteado...

Asi que no se si es pura propaganda de su parte o si es un anuncio real !!

Si es asi pues es una noticia COJONUDA !!!

A ver si se puede checkear esto.


Title: Shogun 2: Total War™
Published by SEGA. Developed by The Creative Assembly.
Format: PC- DVD
1 to 8 players
Ratings: ESRB Teen, PEGI 16, OFLC M, USK 12 – All provisional
Release date: 2011
In 2000, the Creative Assembly re-invented the strategy genre with Shogun: Total War, an unprecedented blend of 3D real-time battles and turn-based management game and the first offering in the multi-award winning series. With over 7 million units sold and universal acclaim from the press and community, Total War has consistently been at the cutting edge of the genre and is today one of the most successful PC franchises of all time.
In 2011, the makers of Rome and Empire: Total War will release the sequel to the game that started it all. Shogun 2: Total War will take long-time veterans and newcomers alike to the next level of strategy gaming on PC. Based on 10 years of experience in making Total War, Shogun 2 is the perfection of the series with a new Artificial Intelligence (AI), revolutionary multiplayer modes, brand new campaign map options and epic 3D real-time battles.
It is the middle of the 16th century in Medieval Japan. The country, once ruled by a unified government, is now split into many warring clans. The player takes on the role of one Daimyo – the clan leader – and will use military engagements, economics and diplomacy to achieve the ultimate goal: re-unite Japan under his supreme command and become the new Shogun – the undisputed ruler of Japan.
Set during the golden age of Samurai warfare, Shogun 2 brings to life the most turbulent period of Japanese history.
Total War redefined
Shogun 2 is the ultimate refinement of the original formula with a new, cutting-edge AI, more polish and online functionality than ever before. The result is the perfect mix of real-time and turn-based strategy gaming that invites both veterans of Total War and new players to experience the enjoyment and depth of the series.
New character progression
Choose from 9 different clans and compete on and offline for the undisputed supremacy of Medieval Japan. Gain experience to level up your own character-warlord as well as your generals and agents.
A complete single and multiplayer offering
Play through the Main Campaign in single player or invite a friend online to play competitively or cooperatively in Campaign Multiplayer mode. Join 8-player multiplayer battles with your own upgradable avatar and climb the online Leaderboard to show the world who reigns supreme. Also including exciting new modes of team play for clans, a first in the Total War series.
New Generation AI system
Developed according to Sun Tzu’s principles in the Art of War, the Artificial Intelligence constantly analyses its situation and reacts to your every move with greater precision and variety.
Improved land and naval battle gameplay
Land battles never felt so realistic with new multi-staged castle sieges and terrain features changing according to the weather and time of the day - turning each engagement into a tactical challenge. Set buildings on fire to force garrisoned troops out and use your units’ special abilities to turn the tide of the battle.
Naval combat also offers more variety with the addition of coastal battles. Islands can work as effective cover for your ships, while sand bars and reefs can be used as traps against an enemy fleet.
Accessible and in-depth empire-building gameplay
A streamlined User Interface makes management of your kingdom much easier. Build and govern cities, recruit and train troops, conduct diplomacy and manage your agents – each feature is now introduced with comprehensive tutorials, gradually revealing the depth of the Shogun 2 campaign map – the heart and soul of the Total War experience.
El futuro de los Tot ...
Categoría: Napoleón Total War

Este mod parece estupendo, pero me parece que CA acaban de sacar una extension sobre el conflicto napoleonico en España; Como se podria comparar con ese Mod ? ( a parte que uno es gratis ).
Gracias por este hilo Scorpi.

Tios, estoy fuera del NTW desde mas de un mes...
Mi vida profesional cambia , voy ha viajar mas amenudo y intento acostarme a las 23:00 entre semanas !!!
Hecho de menos las charlas con los compis Celtis, pero no tengo alternativa que de perder el hilo durante unos cuantos meses.

Disfrutar lo que podais y cuidaros !
Un abraso a todos.
Hispania Mod. The In ...
Categoría: Napoleón Total War
Hey m8,

Thx for the update.

Does that mean that Trom2 is a mod with not specific MP possibilities ? Meanwhile the NxN is a Trom2 improved for MP ?

TROM 2 - The Rights ...
Categoría: Napoleón Total War
Si si,

Confirmo que lo estan currando, y saldra la nueva version dentro de poco.

Por otra parte, he podido probar otro Mod. Esta currado por los Grognards.
Esta muy pero muy bien !

Hay un pack de musica, son militares de la epoca (tipicamente la musica de la vieja guardia o de la revolucion francesa).
La velocidad es identica al vanilla.
Los precios estan cambiados, una infanteria de linea vale al rededor de 450 ! y la cab mas cara vale 800 a 900.
No hay granadas, no hay picos y no hay CUADROS !!
No hay traceador de disparos, hay nuevo sonido de disparos, las estats se han mejorado (los rusos ahora tienen real potencia en meles).
Es una version beta de momento, os pondre los enlazes cuando esta oficial.
Tiene ejecutable y fichero .bat, asi que no afecta al vanilla.
Mini mod de los nwg.
Categoría: Napoleón Total War
Pues acabo de hacer una partida multi contra un guiri :
El con los franchutes y yo con los brits.
Mapa "la italiana", riquesa media.
El coje un obus yo niguna art.
Ataco y lo supero de mucho con mis tiroteos, a pesar de unas cargas brutales de lanceros polacos.
Pues si, me parece que los brits van a mandar los campos de batalla, pero bueno hay que probarlo mas, igual han ciregido algunas cosas mas con otras facciones.

Esta noche estare.
Parche Nuevo y DCL, ...
Categoría: Napoleón Total War
El universo es hermoso y prodigioso.

Si que da paz, el misterio de su existencia frente a la nada es lo que me da fe.
Somos parte de este ...
Categoría: La Taberna del Celta
Hace apenas unas semanas, el Museo Americano de Historia Natural colgó en la red este espectacular vídeo, una reconstrucción informática que muestra un "viaje" desde la superficie de la Tierra hasta los límites del universo conocido.

Lo que hace que este vídeo sea único y diferente a la mayoría de los que se han hecho hasta ahora es que todo lo que en él aparece está basado en datos reales. Se trata de una auténtica reconstrucción, pieza a pieza, de todo lo que sabemos sobre el universo en que vivimos.

Todo, desde las trayectorias de los satélites que orbitan la Tierra, hasta la posición de todas las estrellas, galaxias o lejanísimos quasares, está basado exactamente en los datos que tenemos sobre cada uno de esos objetos. O para ser más precisos, en los datos del Sloan Digital Sky Survey, que componen la que quizá sea la visión más completa del universo de que disponemos hasta el momento.

A pesar de todo, y debido a la posición geográfica en la que se encuentra el telescopio de dos metros y medio del Apache Point Observatory, en Nuevo México, que es el que utiliza el Sloan Digital Sky Survey, existen zonas "oscuras", es decir, áreas del universo que el telescopio, físicamente, no puede observar. Por eso, en el vídeo, la distribución de las galaxias observadas tiene la forma de dos conos unidos por la punta (el punto de unión es la Tierra), y el resto aparece en negro.

En total, el trabajo comprende casi un millón de galaxias y más de 120.000 quasares. El viaje, que comienza en el Himalaya, termina en el límite mismo de lo que podemos observar con los instrumentos más potentes de ue disponemos, los ecos del Big Bang, a 13.700 millones de años luz de distancia, y sirve para que todos nos demos cuenta, de una forma directa y visual, de lo insignificantemente pequeño que es nuestro mundo, incluso nuestra galaxia, si se compara con todo lo que hay "ahí fuera"...

Somos parte de este ...
Categoría: La Taberna del Celta
Hola a todos,

Si os puede facilitar la comunicacion, puedo dialogar con los Dragones en frances, sera un plazer.

Ya me direis


mi emilio es : Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spambots. Es necesario activar Javascript para visualizarla
Aqui esta la ultima version v 3 :

Sigue teniendo un ejecutable y el icono separado para elegir entre vanilla o ese NxN.
Mini mod de los nwg.
Categoría: Napoleón Total War
Creo que miraran haci el siglo 19 como dice Acre.

Los desarollos hechos con ETW y NTW tienen que sacar mas probecho, respecto a artileria y mosketeria, asi que yo veo como muy probable una expansion, o igual un nuevo juego (visto que saca mas pasta), sobre la guerra de sesecion americana.

Para mi lo mejor seria un Shogun II, pero en la logica de desarollos pues lo hubeiran hecho ya con el motor del Med II o del Rome, ahora creo que se quedara para siempre como un sueño.
El futuro de los Tot ...
Categoría: Napoleón Total War
Hola Man !!

aqui esta un enlaze donde hay un mini-mod para desbloquear facciones :

No lo voy a cargar visto que podria haber problemas de compatibildad.

Vamos a ver un monton de mini-mods aparecer, tendremos que tener cuidado a seguir compatibles entre nosotros.
Habra que seguir con cuidado el tema y informarnos en el hilo de NTW mod.
Se puede desbloquear ...
Categoría: Napoleón Total War

Aqui viene el primer Mod, un mini mod de momento, hech por los Nwg (comunidad napoleonica con los NBC y otros).

Abajo teneis explicado lo que han correjido o mejorado.
Tiene un Ejecutable asi que con un nuevo icono se puede jugar al vanilla o a este Mod.
Tiene el mod de "sangre" recuerdo que alguien me dijo que le gustaba mucho !!

Por si unos pueden acceder directo a la Web de los nwg aqui esta el enlaze de este post : ... t1136.html


- Development TROM2_Core - Yarkis & Johan217
- Alternative minimap icons - Being Earnest
- Complete removal of tracers - Ftmch
- Bicorne hat fix for French Fusiliers in Italian Campaign - Oby
- BloodnFluff Mod - Zaitochisan
- No Dust Mod - Radious
- The Glory of the Russian Empire - HellFell
- WeaponFX - Radious
- Napoleon Total Flags - JFC
- All Battle Maps - Baron von Beer

NTW by NWG v2.0
- Adjust infantry files to be closer together. This is more realistic but also cuts down on the
instances of deep ranks firing
- Remove "Scares Enemy" (Fear) from all troops.
- Increase musket, light musket and rifle reloading time
- Increase the size of Grenadier regiments to be the same as line regiments

Additional Mods included in the NTW_nwg package v2.0

* All Battle Maps - Baron von Beer
* Napoleon Total Flags - JFC

NTW by NWG v1.0
- Remove Grenades
- Remove Stakes
- Reduce movement speed
- Reduced projectile accuracy/effectiveness
- Improved volley fire by giving the skirmish ability to Regular Infantry: soldiers will fire at
will when they have a clear line of sight; this effectively makes the first 2 ranks fire (a small
number of soldiers in the 3rd rank may also fire); Militia still uses the original volley fire
- Slightly decreased rank spacing for Regular Infantry
- Infantry (and some irregular cavalry) can hide only in woods, Light Infantry also in light scrub but not in grass. Some irregulars can still hide in long grass or buildings.
- Corrected several typos in in-game text
- Corrected building requirements for Moscow Musketeers
- Cannon Foundry and Theatre lines of buildings no longer recruit Militia
- Add 'fear' bonus to all units (help produce quick and decisive melee)
- Morale adjustments
- Alternative minimap icons
- Complete removal of tracers
- Bicorne hat fix for French Fusiliers in Italian Campaign
- BloodnFluff Mod
- No Dust Mod
- The Glory of the Russian Empire
- WeaponFX

I welcome all to give this a try and report your findings here. Some things to note for those feeling adventurous:

- I've done a fair bit of testing in SP and its a decent start, however, its not a polished mature mod so keep your expectations realistic
- Morale might be a bit finicky. Report here if you see excessive routing or if you think the troops are not routing quickly enough.
- You will see what looks like 'block shooting' - but its not, its subtly different. Could this be done better? Maybe, we're working on it. I've tested shooting columns versus shooting lines and lines always win by a big margin, so this is -not- the 'shooting blocks' we knew in NTW2
- None of this is my own work, all thanks belong to the original mod authors - see the file included in the install and remember to +rep these guys if you meet them at the TWC
- Interested in peoples views of medium and high money. No balancing has been done yet - how does it feel though?

AUTOINSTALLER DOWNLOAD LINKS for V2b (53MB) ... v2_0_b_exe (53MB)

Note: You can install v2 right over the top of v1. The uninstaller will uninstall both versions when needed.

Best regards,

** Important Note for v2

I made a mistake and there is no uninstaller for v2 clean installs. If you had v1 and installed v2 over the top you will be ok. If you did a clean install of v2 there is no uninstaller.

This is now corrected and the links above have the corrected version (v2b). For those who downloaded yesterday, use this uninstall file: (33kB). Unzip the file and put it into your NTW Data Folder (C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\napoleon total war). You can then run it to uninstall the NTW by NWG Collection.

You don't need to uninstall unless you don't want to play NTW by NWG any more.

My apologies for the bother.
Mini mod de los nwg.
Categoría: Napoleón Total War
Bien hecho Gil, gracias.

Igual para distinguirlo se podria intitular

Nos vemos
se llamara NTW3
Categoría: Napoleón Total War
Registraros si no lo habeis hecho,

aqui esta el enlace para mirar el post de los Lordz : ... 28&t=11110

Estaran listos dentro de un par de semanas para una primera version con el gameplay modificado, luego se hara unos mapas y tambien trabajaran sobre la parte arte de las unidades.

Invitan a cualquier Clan para colaborar, incluso se podra tener un beta tester de nuestro clan.

Creo que hay que perseguir esta oportunidad, hay muchas esperanzas que llegemos a ver un MOD historico con un balanceado perfecto. Tambien lo de la velocidad es un punto importantisimo y, salvo Gunner, parece que la mayoridad piensa que el TROM era demasiado lento, asi que se tocara la velocidad pero algo muy subtil.
Implicaros en este tema !

Los puntos a mejorar mencionados hasta ahora tienen sentido y hay un monton mas sugeridos, a ver si la voz de los Celtiberos se pueda escuchar en esta comunidad napoleonica.
Se necesita nuevo hi ...
Categoría: Napoleón Total War
Los Lordz confirman que van a sacar el NTW3 !

Ya es tiempo de darles nuestras esperanzas para mejorar el NTW, no se si habria que nombrar un embajador Celtiberos para comunicar con los Lordz, por mi vereria idealmente Clearco hacerlo visto que ya conoze bien el motor del ETW y en sima se puede exprimir en ingles .

Aqui son los enlaces para leer y sugerir criticas a los Lordz :

Or you could just post them here: ... 28&t=11110

p.s. if you haven't registered before, you need to read this: ... 28&t=10661
Se necesita nuevo hi ...
Categoría: Napoleón Total War

Yo me compre la version basica, el juego es menos peor que lo esperaba, han mejorado aun la parte grafica, no se es igual pa vosotros pero las unidades son mucho mas bonitas y limpias, y no os cuento con los buques !.

Ahora, los puntos negativos son :
- La art, sobre todo los obuses, son super letales, demasiado, tienen explosiones que parecen fuegos artificiales !! las bolas de cañones tienen efectos balanceados, y su precision esta correcta. La mitralla es brutal.
Cuando una bola de cañon pega a una unidad caen mas gente pero unos cuentos se levantan y se juntan a la inidad despues de un rato, esto esta muy bien.
- Hay un nuevo efecto qur hace tiemblar la camara cuando te asercas de los combates, eso es penoso.
- La cabaleria es muy vulnerable a tiroteos y igual con las bolas de cañones.
- Ya no tenemos los disparos de infanteria por rankos, creo que es historico pero el efecto de ETW molaba, una pena.
- Sigue habiendo pikos para alguna infanteria ligera, no pinta nada.

Ahora el tema mas delicado es la VELOCIDAD ! me parece que los Celtiberos vamos a quedarnos fuera de los primeros mini-mods, porque la comunidad nwg va a reducirla dentro de pocos dias, ya tienen hecho la modificacion y lo van a reducir bastante...

Respeto a batallas SP con la IA, pues las campañas que he empezado me dejan bastante satisfecho respeto a todas las versiones anteriores.
La campañas tienen nuevas opciones muy logradas, como escojer un general con precio distinto segun se competencias iniciales. Los turnos son distintos y el tiempo necesario para edificios o unidades (sobre todo buques). Hay un unico teatro con posibilidades de establecer zonas de comercio al borde del mapa general.
Las diferentes campañas estan bien hechas, la de Italia es facil pero mola, la de Egypto es un coñaso y la de Europa tiene version historica y version libre.
La atitud navales son mas realisticas.
¿Qué tal el nuevo to ...
Categoría: Napoleón Total War
Hay otra cosa penosa,

El 1.68 no contiene los Lordz Maps, se lo ha olvidado el tio...

Asi que de momento esta nueva version se jugara solo con los mapas de CA , si es que nos lo bajamos.

Creo que mejor seria esperar unos dias, igual sacan un nuevo 1.68 con los mapas.
Areglo para el TROM ...
Categoría: Empire: Total War
Bueno, alli viene un partche 1.68, han cambiado precios y otras cosas.
El 1.67 era provisional sobre todo para poder jugar con el maldito update de CA.

El 1.68 es un partche que se tenia intencion de sacar desde hace varias semanas.


Ya me lo diran.

Aqui viene el enlaze :
Areglo para el TROM ...
Categoría: Empire: Total War

Hay que pegar un fichero dentro del data y ya esta.

Descargar este desde el TWC aqui : ... ost5142345

El que se intitula TROM 1.67

Areglo para el TROM ...
Categoría: Empire: Total War
emo Pantallazos
Categoría: Napoleón Total War

Aqui viene el informe de un amigo de la comunidad NTW que ha tenido el honor de testear una version beta del NAPO :

Esta en ingles...

Hay muy buenas noticias y hay malas, habra que esperar a los modeadores para tener algo magnifico.


Here is english ( i hope understandable) version of my report. i ll add campaign description tomorrow.

Few days spent on Napoleon TW gave me plenty of things to think about
I spent some time thinking how do digest this big pile of information.i ll start from the very beginning and i ll go deeper and deeper into details.

Game was tested on:

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3,00GHz
Memory: 4GB DDR2 800MHz
Graphic: Gigabyte GTX 285
MB: Asus P5QC

This configuration allows gameplay on max. details with no freeze nor any problems.
Graphic is simply overwhelming (it is not creme de la creme of the strategy game, but worth of notice). You can see lots of smoke in areas where infantry units are shooting and You can see very nice fire traces out of muskets and cannons.
Opposite - explosion of grenades thrown by the grenadiers is a tragedy. It looks like Jumbo jet engine sucked in a carriage filled with cow shit and pulverized it all over the throw area.

There s a brand new dvice built in the game. It is a voice chat. I had no chance to check whether it works correctly. No way to connect to anybody now.
Music has not been changed yet and comes from ETW. Other things like cannon and musket shots too.

First thing i did was running the Tutorial, but i just checked the content and left. Nothing interesting.
Secondarly i started to play SM battle of Ligny.
First thing i saw was very nice radar working like HUD. It is big, gives some informations about units - as usually, but also is informing us about bridges. Theres 2x zoom and You can see it quite big on the screen, but at the same time view of the battlefield remains clear.
This time You can see such a details like running units.

Napoleon,s battle menu allows to see more historical battles:
-over the Nile

Ligny gave me opportunity to test interface, units behaviour, orders obeying, fire orders, attributes, fatigue system.
I wanted also to check morale system, but full understanding of it will come with some data files readers after game release.


has been remodeled. Now You ll see one single line of buttons over the unit cards. Middle panel allows unit managing with directional and movement buttons. On the right side u have fire and formation buttons. Left side is containig run, group, preset formations, melee and retreat buttons. Wooow - RETREAT button works now 10/10.
I hope counter ll be back for replays, but there was no way to check it. Preview version has no replay loading button.
One thing is missing for me is unit order while group is formed when You use ALT button then GROUP button. It worked perfectly from early Games until MTW2. ETW engine was so poor, that this feature was not included regardles the fact it s important and usefull.
I haven t seen "inflatable stakes" in the game and i am keeping my fingers crossed for CA hoping they came to mind that it was bad idea. IMHO stakes were coming from the nuts dream. Just imagine unit of snipers travelling with telegraph poles and installing it within 8 secs before enemy cav arrives...
I haven t seen it, but idt does not mean it is not in da game. I saw just one light inf unit - french chasseurs.
Another new idea is General's abilities.
First of all there s a blue circle showing General's influence area. It s size is depending on General's abilities or experience. general can change units morale and experience level. There s a limited number of commands for each battle. Napoleon had possibility to improve units morale three times and this action was working on all units present in blue circle area when button was pressed. Experience gaining was working on one present in blue area and selected unit only. In case of Napoleon this action could be used twice.
I think that other things did not change and as previously generals presence is giving morale boost and his death causes morale shock changing in time into constant morale drop.

My opinion: I see big improvement here and all of this are good news for MP community

Units behaviour and reaction to orders

Most important thing is - units are obeying orders without any delays nor neglect.
Pretty amazing.......... no more triple R to see units running, no surprise that they slowed down by themselves.
More amazing is that "pavise man syndrome " is away. Units no longer run into shooting range but reaching maximum shooting distance are taking shooting position and firing with no further delays.
When unit is highlighted one single click on enemy unit is enough for Your unit to turn the face toward enemy, reform and start shooting enemy flanking unit.
Formation change when moving lasts just few seconds. Soldiers are breaking lines like falling house of cards and pretty quick we can see a column instead of triple line.
There's no magic line/column button and no preset formation.

One sad thing is that "snake tail" is still present . Unit in double line ordered to melee acts like lap dancer on the stick making weird moves. Unit deep for 4-5 lines is attacking properly without any strange behaviour.
Another - square formation is formed with speed of light and squared units can't to move

My opinion: it is revolution comparing to ETW, however some flaws are still present

Firing orders

Playing France i could check numerous units as: Militia, National Guard, Revolutionary Infantry, Fusilliers of the line, Chasseurs, Grenadiers, Young Guard, Old Guard
I was surprised again. BAI is quite amart now.
Line units are firing for distance of 80m.
Line infantry are firingfor 100m.
When i sent my light infantry to shoot out Austrian Grenadiers they started to run from my shooting area as soon as i had them in my shooting range....... Great - don't Ya think?
Fire rate and accuracy of basic units as Militia, National Guard and Revolutionary Infantry is low.
Light infantry is quite good, but nothing can beat Old Guard having accuracy 70 and Fire and Advance attribute.
Having just basic version it is hard to say how firing orders work in Napoleon. ETW offered different attributes like mass fire, fire by rank, paltoon fire and improved platoon fire.
I am somehow persuaded that after what i saw :
-there s no platoon fire (Old Guard or Young Guard did not used it during Ligny battle
-the only attribute present is Fire and Advance and it is available for elite units like Grenadiers and Guard.
pressing this feature in cas of Old Guard gives pretty impressive view.
Last row is advancing and firing then is replaced pretty fast. Effectivity of it remind me platoon fire, but under totally different approach.
Other units are diversified by number of rank allowed to fire.
In case of Armored Citizenry, Militia, Revolutionary Infantry thre s just first row able to shot.
Others are checking nasal holes and sharing expressions from last night rapes in a passive await for a free spot in a death row.
In other words these are the units to be placed in wide formation - as we all know it makes them vulnerable for melee attack as all of these units should have attriubute run_like_rabbit.
Line infantry is much better. It depends bow deep formation we create.
If it is too deep (more than 5 rows) You ll se first and second row shooting and some marauders from other rows are firing too.
Change to preset formation or to three row formation makes almost entire unit firing.
Why almost?....
Because there s "misfire" modifier working on the battlefield and gaining importance especially during rains - Your General is reminding it several times during wet encounter.
Avoid firing while formed in columns. Just forst row of soldiers is shooting.
All soldiers in units are standing. Slight change is seen in light infantry units. All soldiers are kneeling there.

My opinion: it looks good - including fire power diversification

Fatigue system

That's the point where my exaltation ends. Whoever developed it must have been passing thru difficult period in life.
As usually we have system with 6 states of fatigue

Just imagine level of my frustration when i ordered run to Cuirassiers thru the Ligny map twice ..... Their status changed to ACTIVE loool.
It is so much better than in ETW, where hussars were very tired after 500m run and single charge and i understand that developers took deeply into heart players protests, but this time they went too far....
Seeing it i started to measure time between next levels of fatigue.
Heavy cavalry needed 9 minutes to be EXHAUSTED. It means 5.400 tics.
If we have same numbers and EXHAUSTED comes after 21.600 pts is passed , then run costs 4 pts per tic.
Firstly i thought that it is a step into a good direction, but hey....where's strategic aspect of the game.... this time cavalry can be everywhere with no fatigue, no loss of morale, no loss of speed, no loss of attack power.....
Next tests were even more frustrating.
Light cavalry needs some 5.700tics to be EXHAUSTED. Such a small difference between heavy and light cavalry? Just a speed difference? But almost equal speed drop time?
True drama started when i repeated my test for line infantry. Fussiliers of the line were as good as....... light cavalry LOOOOOLLL!!!!!!
5.700tics to get EXHAUSTED status.....
Infantry man better than cuirassiers horse???
Is it a clear info that TW is gravitating into pure arcade with wonderfull graphics? Or maybe it is another rushing game?

My opinion: It can not be accepted and MUST be changed. If not by CA action, then by hard work of moders....

Morale system

As i said before it is hard to say anything about it now, but one thik is worth of notice.
Now there's a morale bar present over the unit flag.
As i saw units are able to fight until their losses come to 60-80% depending on unit class and battle situation.
Artillery is complicating isituation as it's force is destroying balance. One battery shot is able to cause units with 50-60% of losses to run away.

My opinion: should be observed, but looks ok with musket fire. Melee looks quite OK, but at this stage i am not able to say that i am 100% sure of it.


Another mistake.....
I had chance to test 6pdrs with 450m shooting distance, 12pdrs with 600m shooting distance and 6pdr howitzers with 400m shooting distance.
First of all - i haven't seen shrapnell. Just round shots and canister shots are available.
Howitzer looks quite OK. it is true that this gun is able to cause heavy losses, but firstly it has to hit an unit...... and it is not so easy.
Explosion makes quite nice hole in da ground.
Cannons are firing far behind shooting range. It does not make any damage to placed behind shooting range units, but it changes when You hit a house with an unit placed inside. House gets damage and unit gets losses.....
Canister shots are even worse. it s range is quite short, but when enemy enter shooting range and leaves it running away canister shoots are chasing this running unit even when 500m away. No losses, but for the Christ sake - is there no way that programists make good ballistic model taking into account that ..... let's say canister particles and round shots are loosing their energy close to their shooting range???? Is it so hard?
Another bad thing i saw is canister shoot hitting again the left wing of the targeted unit... WHY? Problem with nodes? It must be corrected. Cannons should try to hit the center of the unit, where losses might be devastating. If shot is oriented to the wing it looks like two guns out of four are missing target and another two are killing some soldiers, but canister is just half effective
The most devastating and unacceptable thing is fact that artillery is able to demolish every cavalry unit within seconds and devastate any infantry unit in column. I am comparing this element of the game to ETW mod TROM.
Artillery there is also able to hit badly cavalry units, but there's big difference between Napoleon and TROM. Hitting a cavalry unit on TROM makes You happy, because of low accuracy of cannons and hitting a cavalry on Napoleon makes You scared as every half of rounds is very well placed and one volley is able to kill 75% of cavalrymen in a unit..... far too many.
I looks like round shots has so big energy. Hitting people it is throwing them far away from their horses - up to 30m.
There s a new option in artillery like Barrage Fire. It is a fire order making Your battery to fire faster, but after a certain period canons must cool down, so battery remains silent.
Graphic effects are great. Round shots are leaving trenches in the battlefield.

My opinion: if it remains unchanged we ll face artillery ban in MP battles for sure


Charge on moving infantry units is strong. Charge in the back is even stronger.
There s no problem with razing elite unit while attacked by two cav units.
Square is effective as it was but can't move.....

My opinion: we should wait for full version for further evaluation
Informe de un BETA t ...
Categoría: Napoleón Total War
Pues no,

Tampoco aparecen los provinciales si lanzas campaña del TROM15...

Pues eso, como se puede tener la configuracion del TROM 1.66 o TROM15 en Campaña ? sin fastidiar a la configuracion multi que funcciona bien.
TROM 15 - Vuelve el ...
Categoría: Empire: Total War

Me gustaria hacer una campaña del TROM 1.66.
Cuando la empiezo me sale las unidades "clasicas" del vanilla, las unidades del TROM como los provinciales no estan...

Dime lo que tengo que hacer para que la campaña TROM 1.66 sea operativa,

Igual se puede hacer la campaña con el TROM15 ? no lo he probado, voy a mirar.


TROM 15 - Vuelve el ...
Categoría: Empire: Total War
Hola House,

Pues tienes razon, pero este mod TROM es sobre todo una gran modificacion de las estats de las unidades y de mucho otros parametros, asi que un screen no te daria mucha informacion.
El TROM tiene tambien texturas de unidades cambiadas y algunas unidades nuevas pero sin cambio importante respeto al vanilla.

El TROM intenta ser mas coerente historicamente.

Si te gustan las batallas en multi pues te lo aconsejemos, sigue los pasos para instalar el Trom 1.65, es un ejecutable y te creara un icono en tu ecritorio para arrancar el vanilla o el TROM.
Sigue los siguientes pasos para poner al dia los cambios del TROM 1.66, y finalmente añades los ultimos ficheros creado por los Celtis, lo que pondra otro icono en tu escritorio llamado TROM15.

Luego pasate por la sala de Steam "Comunidad española" y podras encontrarte con los Celtis por las noches que juegan principalmente al TROM15.
TROM V1.65 para desc ...
Categoría: Empire: Total War
Perfecto !

Hay que mencionar que una vez este pack esta instalado correctamente el jugador tendra en su ESCRITORIO 2 iconos :

1 Icono del TROM "estandard" (se clica y arrancaras el Trom -1.66)

1 icono del TROM15 (el que esta un poco accelerado respeto al Trom-1.66, version Celti)

Y se podra jugar al vanilla arrancando ETW con su camino normal desde el panel de juegos de Steam.
TROM 15 - Vuelve el ...
Categoría: Empire: Total War
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